Are we creating enough jobs for our citizens?
That is a question I've had since 2003 when I first became unable to find work.
After digging into the data for nearly 20 years now I've come to the conclusion that I cannot use the Department of Labor data because it is based off of samples, and polling
and doesn't actually count the unemployed
But there is one organization that counts every return and every penny which is the IRS, so we will use their databook reports to calculate job gains and losses.
And we will limit the numbers to the 1040 filers as that would be people working for somebody.
Keep in mind when reading this article, I have not added in Students, Temporary visitors for business or Intracompany transferees.
It acutally is much worse than I describe when you add those numbers in!
In 2020 we had 157,195,302 total 1040 filings
In 2019 we had 154,094,555 total 1040 filings
This is a gain of 3,100,747 jobs and you can
click here to see that report.
The temporary workers for 2020 have not been released yet, but in 2019 we had 2,558,973 temporary workers.
This means we had 541,774 jobs available for our citizens.
You can
click here to read the report on temporary workers.
In 2019 we had 154,094,555 total 1040 filings.
In 2018 we had 152,937,949 total 1040 filings.
This is a gain of 1,156,606 jobs and you can
click here to see that report.
In 2019 we had 2,558,973 temporary workers.
This means we had 0 jobs available for our citizens and probably forced 1,402,367 out of the workforce and into unemployment and/or homelessness.
You can
click here to read the report on temporary workers.
If you want to dig deeper into that data, we find that out of the total of temporary workers, we had
this many guest workers
In 2018 we had 152,937,949 total 1040 filings.
In 2017 we had 150,690,787 total 1040 filings.
This is a gain of 2,247,162 jobs and you can
click here to see that report.
In 2018 we had 2,378,940 temporary workers.
This means we had 0 jobs available for our citizens and probably forced 131,778 out of the workforce and into unemployment and/or homelessness.
You can
click here to read the report on temporary workers.
If you want to dig deeper into that data, we find that out of the total of temporary workers, we had
this many guest workers
In 2017 we had 150,690,787 total 1040 filings.
In 2016 we had 150,711,378 total 1040 filings.
This is a loss of 20,591 jobs and you can
click here to see that report.
In 2017 we had 2,306,962 temporary workers.
This means we had 0 jobs available for our citizens and probably forced 2,327,553 out of the workforce and into unemployment and/or homelessness.
You can
click here to read the report on temporary workers.
If you want to dig deeper into that data, we find that out of the total of temporary workers, we had
this many guest workers
In 2016 we had 150,711,000 total 1040 filings.
In 2015 we had 148,841,000 total 1040 filings.
This is a gain of 1,870,000 jobs and you can
click here to see that report.
In 2016 we had 2,095,175 temporary workers.
This means we had 0 jobs available for our citizens and probably forced 225,175 out of the workforce and into unemployment and/or homelessness.
You can
click here to read the report on temporary workers.
If you want to dig deeper into that data, we find that out of the total of temporary workers, we had
this many guest workers
Are you beginning to see the same thing I'm seeing?
I can add all of the years that we have data for, and probably will at some point, but this is enoungh for now to show you why our homeless numbers are growing.
And why highly skilled people like myself cannot find work.
There is nothing racist or xenophobic about these numbers as they are simply math.
And I simply want to work in the country I grew up in and served in the military in as a citizen using my skills to contribute to society and do my part.
Shouldn't all of the people who are citizens have the same opportunity?
The guestworker data came from
this site.
The IRS data came from
this site.
Guest Worker Applications
H-1B, H-2A, H-2B, CW-1, PERM, Prevailing Wage
View Source
Trade Adjustment Assistance
Petitions and Determinations Data
View Source
Approvals Data
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
View Source