Guest Worker Visas

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STEM Workers United

When you water your neighbors plants and neglect yours, what happens?

They turn to weeds or die, don't they?

Isn't that what we are doing with these guest worker programs to our own citizens when we have more workers than we do jobs?


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Section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes the lawful admission into the United States of temporary, nonimmigrant workers (H-2A workers) to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature. Before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can approve an employer's petition for such workers, the employer must file an application with the Department’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) stating, among other things, that there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available, and that the employment of aliens will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers similarly employed in the U.S.. Any employer using H-2A workers must have initially attempted to find U.S. workers to fill these jobs. H-2A workers and domestic workers in corresponding employment must be paid special rates of pay that vary by locality, must be provided housing and transportation from that housing to the job site if their employment requires them to be away from their residence overnight, and must be guaranteed an offer of employment for a total number of hours equal to at least 75% of the work period specified in the contract.

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All of the H-2A data that I could find from 2008 to the most recent data is searchable

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Data Sources

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Sent Work Wanted Emails To

Guest Worker Applications

H-1B, H-2A, H-2B, CW-1, PERM, Prevailing Wage

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Trade Adjustment Assistance

Petitions and Determinations Data

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Approvals Data

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

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I-94 Data


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